

Caernarfon yn blodeuo

Castell, cyfoeth a chwa o liw Dengys y dref hon entrepreneuriaeth ac egni cymunedol gyda dros 320 busnes yn cyfrannu 1% yn ychwanegol at eu trethi er mwyn llunio Hwb Caernarfon – cymuned a grëwyd i...

2018 Year of the SeaFOOD

It's Wales' Year of the Sea, and we're pushing the proverbial boat out in order to make some noise about our awesome coastline - of course, we are a restaurant so we're going to talk about seafood!...

2018 Blwyddyn BWYD MÔR

Mae’n Flwyddyn y Môr yng Nghymru, ac rydym am fynd amdani er mwyn canu clodydd ein harfordir anhygoel – ac wrth gwrs, gan mai tŷ bwyta ydyn ni, rydym ni’n mynd i sôn am fwyd môr! Mae bioamrywiaeth...

Black Boy Inn at Caernarfon Food Festival 2018

Roll Up! Roll Up! The Caernarfon Food Festival is rolling into town and with it a selection of fabulous food from all over the globe. This is a celebration which reflects Caernarfon character and...

Black Boy Inn yng Ngŵyl Fwyd Caernarfon 2018

Dewch yn llu! Dewch yn llu! Mae Gŵyl Fwyd Caernarfon ar fin cyrraedd y dref gyda detholiad o fwyd gwych o bob cwr o'r byd. Dyma ddathliad sy'n adlewyrchu cymeriad a diwylliant Caernarfon, yn dathlu...

5 Traethau Syrffio Gorau

Ar frig y don… syrffio yng Ngogledd Cymru I ddathlu Cymru: Blwyddyn y Môr, rydym wedi gwneud rhestr o rai o'r traethau syrffio gorau yng Ngogledd Cymru. P'un a ydych chi'n syrffio am y tro cyntaf...

Celebrate St Patrick’s Day at The Black Boy Inn

Celebrate St Patrick's Day with us. £3 for a pint of Guineas all day Saturday 17th March for loyalty card holders. Don't have a loyalty card? You can apply for one here:...

Join us for Gin Night Last Thursday of Every Month

Join us on the last Thursday of Every Month to sample our great range of Gins, with over 40 to choose from and you can even double up for free. If you are a gin lover, then this is the event for...

St. David’s Day 2018

You’ve seen the Welsh Dragon flying high overhead. You’ve heard the Celtic songs of old in the air. You’ve tasted the lamb and leek soup and have a Welsh Oggie in hand as you’re on the way to pick...

Tiny Rebel Tap Take Over

We are extremely pleased and excited to announce that the Tiny Rebel will be coming to the Black Boy Inn from  the 1st March. They will literally be doing a Tap Takeover, taking over everyone of our...

The North Wales Bucket List

The Top Things to do in North Wales... ...before you kick the bucket North Wales is internationally renowned for being one of the most scenic and gorgeous area in the world – and with so many...