

Tiny Rebel Tap Takeover

We are extremely pleased and excited to announce that the Tiny Rebel will be coming to the Black Boy Inn from 9am on the 20th October through to 10.30pm on the 23rd October. They will literally be...

Electric outage

Sorry to all, We had a power cut in Caernarfon which affected us intermittently over the weekend starting on 24/09/2016.

What to do when it rains in North Wales?

The sun may not always be out in North Wales, but even on a wet and rainy day you can have a huge amount of fun without getting soaked. From underground cave trampolines, indoor go-carting to...

The ‘Iron Ring’ of Welsh Castles

After King Edward ‘The Longshanks’ of England conquered North Wales, he was faced with a dilemma, how would he assert dominance over the proud and uprising Welsh people? Well, he did this in the...

The ‘Iron Ring’ of Welsh Castles – Cymraeg

Y mae holl gestyll bresennol i orllewin Caer wedi bod dan fygythiad gan rebeliaid Cymru. Galwodd hyn am y brosiect adeiladu fwyaf uchelgeisiol yr Oesoedd Canol; adeiladwyd pob castell defnyddiol ac,...

Tafarn/ Bwyty Fwyaf Cymraeg Yn Y Byd

Rydym wrth ein bodd o gyhoeddi ein bod wedi ennill y wobr am y 'Bwyty / Tafarn fwyaf Cymraeg yn y Byd! Trefnwyd y gystadleuaeth gan Arloesi Gwynedd Wledig ac oedd yn rhoi cyfle i ddathlu busnesau...

Experience the Welsh Highland Railway

Here at the Black Boy Inn we pride ourselves entirely on providing our guests with the best accommodation and dining experiences. You should know, we are well-established for our traditionally Welsh...

Wales at the UEFA Euro 2016 Football Tournament

It’s arrived! The UEFA Euro 2016 football tournament officially kicks off at 8pm on 10th June 2016. We are very excited here at Black Boy Inn Caernarfon about Wales being contenders at Euro 2016....