

Safleoedd Hanesyddol Cymru

Camgymeriad fyddai anwybyddu’r safleoedd hanesyddol yr ardal wrth ymweld â Gogledd Cymru. Mae casgliad o adeiladau rhyfeddol ac ardaloedd a safleoedd o brydferthwch ar draws Cymru gyfan – ac mae...

CYNNIG ARBENNIG: 3 Noson am bris 2

Mae gan Dafarn y Black Boy gynnig arbennig: Pob ystafell - 3 Noson am bris 2 Yn ystod Ionawr, Chwefror a Mawrth 2020 gallwch fanteisio ar y cynnig anhygoel hwn lle gall gwesteion aros am 3 noson am...

SPECIAL OFFER: 3 Nights for the Price of 2

The Blackboy Inn is having a special offer: 3 Nights for the Price of 2 on all Rooms During January, February and March 2020 you can take advantage of this fantastic offer in which guests can stay...

Lionel Rees, VC Memorial

Local legend and War hero Lionel Rees was born in Caernarfon and grew up at number 5 Castle Street, which is currently owned by the Black Boy Inn; it is located next to Tŷ Dre Townhouse.  ...

Fun Facts About Caernarfon Castle

Caernarfon Castle is undoubtedly a top attraction in North Wales, especially with it being one of the most impressive castles found in the UK. The entire fishing town of Caernarfon is within the...

We’ve Received 3050 Trip Advisor Reviews

We are extremely pleased to have been notified by Trip Advisor recently that we have have reached a Trip Advisor Milestone of 3050 Reviews.  Wwe would like to take this opportunity to thank each and...

Prince Charles: 50 Years Investiture as Prince of Wales

The recent ceremony marking the 50 year Investiture of Prince Charles as the Prince of Wales, took place a mere stone’s throw from the Black Boy Inn. The Prince of Wales has been praised for his...

Exploring the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in North Wales

Whilst visiting North Wales, it would be a mistake to overlook the historical sites that the area has on offer. There are a collection of simply amazing buildings, areas and sites of natural beauty...