


Zip Roc Festival is a music festival which will be held on the 15th of June, and for its second year, thе festival will bе hеld at Penrhyn Quarry, just a short drive from the Black Boy Inn Hotel in...

Welsh Treats

What does Wales mean to you? Does it mean thousands of years of history and culture? Is it the ancient language that has been adapted with its people to become a symbol of legacy, culture and...

Danteithion Cymreig

Beth mae Cymru yn ei olygu i chi? Miloedd o flynyddoedd o hanes a diwylliant? Yr iaith hynafol sydd wedi addasu gyda'i phobl i fod yn symbol o etifeddiaeth, diwylliant ac angerdd? Y bryniau a'r...

Things to do over the Easter Holidays in Caernarfon

Why not visit Caernarfon this Easter where there are plenty of places events you wouldn’t want to miss! If its history you’re after Caernarfon Castle has it. Caernarfon Castle, a World Heritage Site...

Book your stay with us direct, via our web site

Please do not use an online agent support a local business and have more flexibility and better pricing. The online travel agents take a hefty commission from all bookings made. Most of these...

5 Reasons to Celebrate Your Welshness

A Proud History Reminders of our proud history can be found all around Wales; from the ruined castles used to fight wars and protect our land, to the slate mining caverns that were the lifeblood of...

5 Rheswm i Ddathlu eich Cymreictod

Hanes Balch Mae pethau sy'n ein hatgoffa o'n hanes balch i'w gweld ledled Cymru; adfeilion cestyll a ddefnyddiwyd i ymladd rhyfeloedd a gwarchod ein tir, y ceudyllau cloddio llechi a oedd yn enaid...

2019 – Blwyddyn Darganfod

Eleni… Dewch i Ddarganfod Gogledd Cymru! Yn dilyn y Flwyddyn Antur, y Flwyddyn Chwedlau a Blwyddyn y Môr – Blwyddyn Darganfod yw hi eleni! Am thema berffaith, gan fod cymaint i'w archwilio yng...