

2019 – The Year of Discovery

This Year... Discover North Wales! Well it’s another year, this year following The Year of Epic, The Year of Legends and the Year of the Sea - This year is all about the year of Discovery! This is...


Christmas is Coming to the Black Boy Inn! The magical ancient castle town of Caernarfon comes to life with christmas magic in the winter time of year. If you’re visiting the area or even a local...

Tafarn y Black Boy

Ewch i lawr Stryd Pedwar a Chwech yng Nghaernarfon ac mae perl o dafarn yn dod i’r golwg. Dyma Dafarn y Black Boy, tafarn hynafol sy’n dyddio o 1552, a rhywle y mae’r rhan fwyaf o bobl wedi clywed...

The Black Boy Inn

Turn down Northgate Street in Caernarfon and one of the treasures of public houses in Britain comes to view. This is the Black Boy Inn an ancient tavern which boasts the date circa 1552 and is an...

Caernarfon – A History by the Sea

Centuries Depending on the Sea To Celebrate Wales Year of the Sea we’ve put together an article about Caernarfon amazing history by the sea -It’s no secret that Caernarfon defends the Menai Strait’s...

Caernarfon – Hanes y Dref ger y Dŵr

Canrifoedd o Ddibynnu ar y Môr I ddathlu Blwyddyn y Môr yng Nghymru rydyn ni wedi llunio erthygl am hanes morol Caernarfon. Nid yw’n gyfrinach bod Caernarfon yn amddiffyn ceg Culfor Menai rhag...

Caernarfon – Hanes Brwydro

Doedd Caernarfon ddim wastad yn dref heddychlon fel heddiw! Dyma dref farchnad fywiog ar lan y môr ag iddi hanes rhyfeddol mewn brics hynafol a doc a choedwig anhygoel heb anghofio gwestai Eryri....

Join the Fun at SnowdonFest 2018

Join the fun and excitement this September at SnowdonFest 2018! Live at Gwydir Park in Llanrwst and with outstanding talents set to be on display, Snowdon fest 2018 is an event you really do not...