Due to the requests to be able to book tables at the Inn ,and the overload on the incoming phone lines. We handle up to 300 calls per day during busy periods .This is affecting the service and time we offer our customers. We will be introducing new online table booking software, which will enable guests to pre book table slot times on line and pre order for larger groups. You will also see our availability live on line as you do our rooms. Nearly all table bookings will be handled on line with later booking times as well. This software is called Collins .We are at this time setting it up and testing ready for the launch date in 2017.
We will still be running our wait list system from the door , where you get a buzzer for the next available table. This will keep the Inn`s tables full as they are now, with no empty tables at any time. But will be fairer to all as we try to do now.
We hope when this transition is complete, that it will be easier to contact the Inn for other services. As all table bookings will be confirmed on line .Requests will again be handled via the on line software and replied to as quickly as possible. Email is the best way of contacting the Inn , as we watch these all day every day .